Willow came in with Maple in September of 2022. She was only here a very short time before I decided to euthanize her. She was in her early 20s and had horrible DSLD (degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis) in all 4 legs as well as severe arthritis in her left knee and a terrible club foot. After watching her struggle to get up one day shortly after getting here I felt the decision was made for me. My heart goes out to horses like Willow. Once she had surpassed her usefulness she was dumped at auction. From there she was sent to a holding pen in Oklahoma to be sent to slaughter. She was ‘rescued’ by a woman who meant well but had no idea how to rehabilitate a horse. She was there for approximately 2.5 months where she lost any body condition that she possibly could have had. Willow was euthanized surrounded by strangers instead of her family.


Maple's Story


Nikko's Story